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Found 6406 results for any of the keywords krishna menon. Time 0.008 seconds.
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TEEGA: 2021Two simple phrases - Whatever will be, will be , and If anything can go wrong, it will. One makes us think about the major phases in life, the other hints at how unpredictable they are. One cautions us against pinni
TEEGA: TidbitsWhen I get time, I listen to music, or read books. If any is left, I blog!
TEEGA: ContestsI have submitted 3 comments. I will be back again to add more. Thanks Mr. Rajuda.
TEEGA: Few of My FavWhen I get time, I listen to music, or read books. If any is left, I blog!
TEEGA: About MeHi, Just wondering where the name came from?
TEEGAHave you ever wondered why some adults seem to know so much? It s not because they were top students in school or college. Their secret? They never stopped learning!
TEEGA: SWIM - Smart, Wise, Intelligent, Mature?You are a good storyteller. I liked the stories. They teach us many things only if we are prepared to think over and over again. Keep writing.
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